Solar Panel Powered Backpacks

If you have a smartphone, then you need a Reboot Solar Backpack. Use your Reboot Solar Panel Backpack to charge your phone anywhere you go and never deal with a dead battery again. Any backpack can carry your books, laptop, and other belongings, but how many backpacks come with a built-in power supply? Reboot Solar Panel Powered Backpacks do!

Every time you walk outdoors in the sunlight, the solar panel built into these sturdy, high-quality Reboot Solar Backpacks collects energy that you can use later to charge your smartphone, tablet, or other device. The batteries can hold around 15 to 20 hours of power at a time, perfect for the busy, on-the-go lifestyles of students and professionals alike. Can your briefcase do that? We thought not.

Reboot Solar Panel Powered Backpacks are not the Hot Pink Mutant Ninja Ranger backpack you carried your teddy bear crackers and juice boxes in when you caught the school bus. Tech like this deserves an elegant, understated package. Find Reboot Solar Panel Powered Backpacks in neutrals and conservative blue.

Great Quality, Unbeatable Prices on Solar Backpacks!

You can find a Reboot Solar Backpack in a size that fits your lifestyle. They come in 14.1″, 15″, and 15.6″ sizes so you can carry your laptop along with all your other everyday carry items.

Along with your Reboot Solar Panel Backpack, you get the added benefit of excellent customer service. Should you have any problems purchasing, using, or maintaining your Reboot Solar Panel Powered Backpack, simply get in touch with a friendly Reboot Customer Service Representative. We’ll be happy to answer all of your questions before and after purchase. Contact Reboot Solar by phone at 1.888.308.9077 or get in touch online.

Place your order today! Any backpack can carry your stuff, but only a Reboot Solar Panel Powered Backpack can plug you in and turn you on!